a body of people representing the states of the US, who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president.
The United Nations Security Council adopts Resolution 1267, creating the so-called al-Qaeda and Taliban Sanctions Committee, which links the two groups as terrorist entities and imposes sanctions on their funding, travel, and arms shipments. The UN move follows a period of ascendancy for al-Qaeda and its leader, Osama bin Laden, who guided the terror group from Afghanistan and Peshawar, Pakistan, in the late 1980s, to Sudan in 1991, and back to Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. The Taliban, which rose from the ashes of Afghanistan’s post-Soviet civil war, provides al-Qaeda sanctuary for operations.
The first president to be elected under the new constitution was Nelson Mandela.
The Elastic Clause of the United States Constitution, inserted in its Article I, Section 8, empowers the federal Congress to take the measures and carry out the necessary actions to guarantee the normal performance of its explicit powers, that is, those that are written in the Constitution. Thus, the Elastic Clause expands the powers of Congress.
Now, many prerogatives of Congress are found in the text of the Constitution itself, which does not arise from the Elastic Clause. A clear example of this is the power to declare war, or the power to establish lower courts than the Supreme Court.
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