Upward Control is one of them
Gothic art was more efficient.
Both Roman and Gothic art had a strong religious influence. However, Roman art passed religious concepts in a rigid and unattainable way to citizen laguns. The deities were portraits of distant forms, unsocialized and available only to the most deserving.
Gothic art in turn showed religious concepts that were less elitist, more intimate and accessible. These concepts showed deities as friendly and ready ways to listen to those who invoked them. In short, the Gothic art left religion as a refuge for all the tormented.
The researchers present unshelled northern and southern periwinkles to northern and southern crabs in the second experiment to test if either population of periwinkles was unpalatable to either population of crabs.
Answer: Option D
The researchers picked up crabs and periwinkles from the northern and the southern location of Gulf of Maine. Then an individual crab was inserted into hutch companied with 8 size variable periwinkles. Following four set-ups were organized, where crabs involved were of both gender but not size variable and these set-ups were analyzed 12-14 times:
- Northern crab and periwinkles
- Southern crab and periwinkles
- Northern crab and southern periwinkles
- Southern crab and northern periwinkles
After three days of experiment conclusion drawn was: southern crab killed more number of northern periwinkles when compared with rest three set-ups. While second is northern crab and northern periwinkles, third is southern crab and periwinkles and fourth is northern crab and southern periwinkles.
Now, same set-ups as above was organized but with unshelled northern and southern periwinkles and conclusion researchers found that crabs catered themselves with all unshelled periwinkles within 1 hour to test if either periwinkles population was unpalatable to either crabs population.
pImperialism led to the assimilation and loss of unique indigenous cultures. Imperialism can give native peoples from different countries many positive opportunities and the change to live a new improved lifestyle. Imperialism can change laws giving people more freedom and rights.