The answer is B.
More mass means more gravitational force.
Hope it helps!
We have a conservation of energy problem here as well. Potential energy is being converted into linear kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy.
We are given ω= 4.27rad/s, so v = ωr, which is 6.832 m/s. Place your coordinate system at top of the hill so E initial is 0.
Ef= Ug+Klin+Krot= -mgh+1/2mv^2+1/2Iω^2
Since it is a solid uniform disk I= 1/2MR^2, so Krot will be 1/4Mv^2(r^2ω^2= v^2).
Ef= -mgh+3/4mv^2
Since Ef=Ei=0
plug in givens to get h= 3.57m
Additionally, the coefficient of thermal expansion of the restorative material should be comparable to the coefficient of thermal expansion of the tooth structure, since a significant difference between the two could result in thermal-induced stress at the cavity wall and subsequent marginal failure.
This study's objective was to assess how thermal stress affected the marginal integrity of restorative materials with various adhesive and thermal characteristics. As an alternative to clinical trials, which are expensive and time-consuming, evaluation of restorative materials under laboratory simulations of clinical function is frequently carried out. Thermal cycling regimens, which are in vitro techniques that subject the restoration and the tooth to extremely high temperatures, are frequently used in laboratory simulations to replicate thermal stresses that naturally occur in vivo.
Learn more about Thermal Stress here-
The solid separates and disperse uniformly throughout the solution.
Sagittarius A
The center of the milky way has a big giant hole known as "Sagittarius A". The size is 4 million times bigger than the sun.