The cognitive abilities of an individual to learn from experience, to reason well, and to cope effectively with the demands of daily living
Intelligence is something that can actually be measured, even though it is not a physical, but a psychological trait. The humans had wanted to be able to measure their intelligence for quite some time, but that only became possible with the development of the modern psychology and the test specially created for this purpose. The intelligence represents the cognitive abilities of an individual to learn from experiences, how well can it reason, as well as to cope effectively with the demands of the daily living. To put it more simple, it is the ability of an individual to acquire and apply skills and knowledge in its life.
hi how r u are u fine i am fine an u hehehe
Scientist count the world humans population with an organization called The United Nations Population Division (UNPD),
Which keeps track of the world population, projects that the world's human population will hit 7 billion on Halloween Day 2011. Admittedly, that is just an estimate: There's no way to know exactly how many people are alive at any given moment, and the true date that humanity's ranks will surpass 7 billion could come in the weeks or months before or after Oct. 31. Nonetheless, the UN's guess is the best there is.