1.6666666666666 is the ans bcz in each mole there r 12 grams of carbon so the ans is goingtobe 20÷12

The temperature for ![\Delta G^o=0[/tex is [tex]T=328.6 K](
The three thermodinamic properties (enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs's energy) are linked in the following formula:

is Gibbs's energy in kJ
is the enthalpy in kJ
is the entropy in kJ/K
is the temperature in K


1. A thermodynamic quantity that is the difference between the internal energy of a system and the product of itsabsolute temperature and entropy; the capacity of a system to do work, as in an exothermic chemical reaction.<span>2. </span>A thermodynamic quantity that is the difference between the enthalpy and the product of the absolute temperatureand entropy of a system. Also called <span>Gibbs free energy</span>.
when heat gained = heat lost
when AL is lost heat and water gain heat
∴ (M*C*ΔT)AL = (M*C*ΔT) water
when M(Al) is the mass of Al= 225g
C(Al) is the specific heat of Al = 0.9
ΔT(Al) = (125.5 - Tf)
and Mw is mass of water = 500g
Cw is the specific heat of water = 4.81
ΔT = (Tf - 22.5)
so by substitution:
∴225* 0.9 * ( 125.5 - Tf) = 500 * 4.81 * (Tf-22.5)
∴Tf = 30.5 °C