yo no ablo espanol pero si ablo English
Your Welcome.
How about let's just forget about that other stuff and be friends?
And my internet connection isn't very good so I can't see the pictures.
228 grams
start with mass of Cr multiply by molar mass of Cr mole to mole ratio between Cr and Cr2O3 times molar mass of Cr2O3
1. Ions are either negatively or positively charged species in which the number of electrons and protons are not equal.
2. The chemical bond that arises due to the sharing of electrons is termed a covalent bond.
3. The positively charged ions are called cations, which comprise more protons than electrons.
4. An example of a polyatomic anion is the hydroxide anion.
5. The system of assigning an unambiguous name to a compound is called nomenclature.