Honestly overall i think it looks fantastic
It looks like some really nice clean craftsmanship and i love the use of some different colors for some drawers to make it pop. the only con that i can possibly think of is that with it being wood and you moving it from place to place, some rubber feet or something that would prevent it from scratching/damaging anything else if it doesn't already (cant really see under it). other then that one thing i think it looks really good. well done.
of 5 lb/ft and a concentrated service live load at midspan. .... length = 12 feet) to support a uniformly distributed load. Taking ... w 7..'{ 'f.- ~ s-·. 344 ft-kip. Fy : s-o ks I. 299 ft-kip. Li.. ::::- I 2.. }-t-. 150 ft-kip ..... The concrete and reinforcing steel properties are ... Neglecting beam self-weight . and based only on the ...... JI : Lf, 2. l.. ;VI.
Hauling Vehicles that include a semitrailer manufactured prior to or in the model year of 2024, and registered in Illinois prior to January 1, 2025, having 5 axles with a distance of 42 feet or less between extreme axles, may not exceed the following maximum weights: 20,000 pounds on a single axle; 34,000 pounds
Why did you put this on here when you know the answer lol