Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting or FACS is a method that allows us to sort out different cell types on the basis of fluorescence emitted by cell membrane components bound compounds.
In the case of CD95 integral protein which is known for highly glycosylated, if use antibodies against cells with CD95 marker, will not identify glycans and can’t be targeted by antibodies as antibodies only recognize protein structures.
Therefore, two different proteins should be used in order to get the correct sorting of cells. One of these would bind to these glycosylations, and the other would be antibodies (with a fluorescent tag) against first.
C. Rough ER. Proteins synthesized on these ribosomes collect in the endoplasmic reticulum for transport throughout the cell
Is the release of Insulin
1-Frying an egg , heat flows from the stove into the pan and then into the egg .
2- After a car is turned on , the engine becomes hot . Heat is conducted from the engine to the hood.
The answer is none. It
has been identified that some less complex
organisms have more DNA in their genome that in more complex organisms. Therefore, this indicates that genome size does
not really translate to the complexity of
an organism/ Thos applies especially in eukaryotes.
In prokaryotes, there has been shown to
be some consistency in the relationship
between genome size and a number of genes.
This is because prokaryotes rarely have intron regions in their DNA