A. amount of precipitation, average temperature
Precipitation and average temperature are factors that climate includes. These factors are determined by other factors such as location of an area(like how far a place is from large bodies of water like the sea), ocean currents, lattitude (distance from the equator), winds (prevailing winds) , topography (such as mountains) and the like.
There are three variables independent, dependent ,and controlled
number of moles= mass/molar mass(Mr)
=5.5 moles
number of moles=mass/molar mass (Mr)
=5.5 moles
Oxygen (O):
number of moles = mass/molar mass (Mr)
=1.8 moles
EF= lowest number of moles over each of the elements
C= 5.5/1.8 = 3
H= 5.5/1.8 = 3
O= 1.8/1.8 = 1
Therefore Emperical formula= C3H3O
Total number of atoms = 7
Total number of H atom = 5
% of H in ammonium hydroxide = 5/7 ×100 = 71.4 %
Basically, solubility increases with temperature. It is the case for most of the solvents. The situation is though different for gases. With increase of the temperature they became less soluble in each other and in water, but more soluble in organic solvents.