I am not sure what kind of answer you are looking for but the start of friendship.
Backwash effect
Your friend moved along the shore due to ; The swash effect and the Backwash effect
Swash effect is caused by the upsurge of water up along the slopping front of the beach and this same upsurge in water moves back into the beach in what is known as the backwash effect hence the movement of your friend form where they were in the surf zone to another position still within the surface zone is caused by the BACKWASH EFFECT
In order to answer this question, we simply have to refer to the laws of the equations of gravitational mechanics.
The equation given by Newton tells us that

In the case where we compare a specific place where the Force of Gravity is greater or lesser, we focus on the term assigned to the Planet's Radius.
In the case of
, we understand that they are constant.
We can easily notice that the more the Radius (Height seen from a viewer on the ground), the lower the force will be.
In other words, the smaller the radius in which the measurement is made with respect to the center of the earth, the greater the gravitational force.
In that order of ideas the smallest radio has South Pole, which is about 6356 km from the center of the Earth on the Equator line
Different surfaces
<h3>You can see that dull surfaces are good absorbers and emitters of infrared radiation. Shiny surfaces are poor absorbers and emitters (but they are good reflectors of infrared radiation</h3>