So really you only need to answer the first one because you have more than enough og everything. 2×(what)=14 then that will be your answer
That's a ionic compound because it has a metal and polyatomic parts within the chemical formula.
This separation technique is a 4-step procedure. First, add H₂SO₄ to the solution. Because of common ion effect, BaSO₄ will not react, only Mg(OH)₂.
Mg(OH)₂ + H₂SO₄ → MgSO₄ + 2 H₂O
The aqueous solution will now contain MgSO₄ and BaSO₄. Unlike BaSO₄, MgSO₄ is soluble in water. So, you filter out the solution. You can set aside the BaSO₄ on the filter paper. To retrieve Mg(OH)₂, add NaOH.
MgSO₄ + 2 NaOH = Mg(OH)₂ + Na₂SO₄
Na₂SO₄ is soluble in water, while Mg(OH)₂ is not. Filter this solution again. The Mg(OH)₂ is retrieved in solid form on the filter paper.
Phenolphthalein is an indicator used in chemistry to detect acidic or basic/alkaline solutions.It is often used in the lab as an indicator used to carry out accurate titration using soluble reactants.