Wind between 39-46 mph can cause branches and limbs to break, make it hard for cars to stay on the road wind between 47-54 can cause lighting difficulties, wind between the 60-78 can cause trees to uproot and damage.
Ha is more acidic than Hb because loss of Ha forms a resonance-stabilized conjugate base.
The carbon atom that is next to the carbonyl group in pentan-2-one is known as the alpha carbon atom, this carbon atom bears the Ha, the alpha hydrogen atoms.
Ha is more acidic than Hb because, loss of Ha leads to the formation of a resonance stabilized enolate ion. This resonance stabilization of the ion formed makes loss of Ha an easier process than loss of Hb, hence the answer above.
4) the one that is reduced, which is the oxidizing agent
<em>An oxidizing agent is one that causes oxidation by gaining electrons from another atom/molecule. </em>