A. A scientist investigates a mouse's growth in nature by watching the animal.
A field study is a raw collection of data, typically in the natural habit of the organism; hence why an experiment taken in a lab isn't a field study.
a)there would be no reaction
The activity series of metals has many functions. The one applicable to this problem is that it can be used to determine whether a reaction will occur or not. Also, based on the positions of metals in the series, we can know how reactive a metal is compared to another.
In a single displacement reaction, a metal replaces another metal based on their position on the activity series. Metals that are higher in the series are generally more reactive than others below them and so will displace them.
Would aluminum replace magnesium to form a new compound or would there be no reaction?
Magnesium is higher than aluminum in the activity series. Therefore it is more reactive than aluminum. No reaction will occur.
(1) breaking a pencil (2) rusting of iron
breaking a pencil does not alter the chemical properties of the pencil, it merely breaks it into 2 while the rusting of iron is changing the properties chemically because the iron is oxidizing and reacting with the water and oxygen in the atmosphere
The electron structures of boron and aluminum are similar because they share the same group, therefore they have the same amount of valence electron.
NaHCO3 → H2O + CO2 + Na2CO3