spinal cord becuse it does all of the reflexes
d. This statement is false. She and the Space Station share the same orbit and will stay together unless they are pushed apart.
In astronomy, orbit is simply a path of an object around another object in a space. That is, orbit is a path of a body that revolves around a gravitating center of mass. Examples of an orbit is are satellite around a planet, orbit around a center of galaxy, planet around the sun, and among others.
On the other hand, space station refers to a spacecraft that can support a group of human for long time in the orbit. Another names for space stations are orbital space station and orbital station.
Therefore, an astronaut goes on a space walk outside the Space Station shares the same orbit with the space station and they will stay together unless they are pushed apart.
Interval training is simply alternating short bursts (about 30 seconds) of intense activity with longer intervals (about 1 to 2 minutes) of less intense activity. For instance, if your exercise is walking and you're in good shape, you might add short bursts of jogging into your regular brisk walks.
This group is called “noble gases” because they do not react with other elements. This is because they have a full valence shell.
the brightest found are Blue - White with
The energy emission of objects increases with their temperature, specifically Wien described the process in an expression
T = 2,898 10⁻³
With this expression we can find the temperature of the stars by the color they emit.
Specifically the Sun has a color of 550 nm which corresponds to 5400K
bright stars have a BLUE color corresponding to 7500K
the brightest found are Blue - White with a temperature of 20000K