A manufacturer of printed circuit boards has a design
capacity of 1,000 boards per day. the effective capacity, however, is 700
boards per day. recently the production facility has been producing 950 boards
per day. The design capacity utilization is (950/100) *100 = 95 %
Let's cut through the weeds and the trash
and get down to the real situation:
A stone is tossed straight up at 5.89 m/s .
Ignore air resistance.
Gravity slows down the speed of any rising object by 9.8 m/s every second.
So the stone (aka Billy-Bob-Joe) continues to rise for
(5.89 m/s / 9.8 m/s²) = 0.6 seconds.
At that timer, he has run out of upward gas. He is at the top
of his rise, he stops rising, and begins to fall.
His average speed on the way up is (1/2) (5.89 + 0) = 2.945 m/s .
Moving for 0.6 seconds at an average speed of 2.945 m/s,
he topped out at
(2.945 m/s) (0.6 s) = 1.767 meters above the trampoline.
With no other forces other than gravity acting on him, it takes him
the same time to come down from the peak as it took to rise to it.
(0.6 sec up) + (0.6 sec down) = 1.2 seconds until he hits rubber again.
D. your brain is processing things on the conscious and unconscious
Consciousness is the awareness of ourselves and our environment.The two-track mind means that perception, memory, thinking, language, and attitude all operate on two levels conscious and unconscious level.
Glad to help!!