A famous example of concurrent engineering is the development of the Boeing 777 commercial aircraft. The aircraft was designed and built by geographically distributed companies that worked entirely on a common product database of C A TIA without building physical mock-ups but with digital product definitions.
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Compound Machine
A compound machine is a type of machine that is formed from 2 or more simple machines. Fore example, a shovel is a wedge and a lever, a bike is made up of wheels and axles, screws, and levers.
Answer and Explanation:
The criteria defined for the instruments that changes rapidly with time, ae called dynamic characteristics. These characteristics are namely
1. Speed of response
2. Fidelity
3. Dynamic error
4. Measuring lag
Speed of response
It is the speed with which a measurement system responds to changes in the measured quantity.
It is the degree to which a measurement system indicates changes in the measured quantity without dynamic error.
Dynamic error
It is the difference between the true value of the quantity changing with time and the value indicated by the measurement system if no static error is assumed. It is also known as measurement error.
Measuring lag
It is the delay in the response of a measurement system to changes in the measured quantity. It is divided into two as follows.
The answer and explanation is attached.
The 500 lb load is being hoisted at a constant speed using the motor M, which has a weight of 50 lb. The beam has a weight of 40 lb/ft and is fixed to the wall at A. Find axial, shear force and bending moment at point B. (Radius of the pulley wheel is 1 ft)
The answer and explanation is attached.