You must know the atomic mass of Hydrogen, Fluorine, and Sodium before you can start:
Hydrogen: 1.008g/mol
Fluorine: 18.99g/mol
Sodium: 22.98g/mol
Next, find the composition percentage of NaF
22.98 + 18.99 = 41.97
Fluorine is 18.99/41.97 =45.25%
Sodium is 100-45.25 = 54.75%
Ultimately we want to know about HF so find how much F is in 2.3g: 2.3 * 0.4525 = 1.041g
Find comp. percentage of HF
18.99+1.008 = 19.998; H/total F/total
Hydrogen 5.041%
Fluorine 94.959%
Laws of conservation of say we have 1.041g of fluorine in our HF. We know 1.041 is 94.959% of the mass of HF so do some simple math to find the remaining: 1.041/0.94959 = 1.096g
See explanation
Electro negativity refers to the ability of an atom in a molecule to attract the shared pair of electrons of a bond closer to itself.
In a molecule, the polarity of bonds is determined by the relative electro negativity of the bonding atoms. If the difference in electro negativity between the atoms in a bond is significant, such a bond is polar in nature e.g H-Cl, H-Br, C-F, etc.
However, the occurrence of polar bonds in a molecule alone does not guarantee the polarity of the molecule. The polarity of a molecule also depends on the shape of the molecule since dipole moment is a vector quantity.
A molecule is polar when the resultant dipole moment which is determined by the shape of the molecule is non zero.
For instance, CO2 contains two polar C-O bonds but the molecule is non polar because the two dipole moments cancel out. Also, symmetrical molecules are nonpolar irrespective of the presence of polar bonds in the molecule.
They certainly can. However, they have other groups that are used to classify a compound.
The result is the sound will be louder. This is due to the high amount of energy in the sounds.