Answer:The first task of a nuclear weapon design is to rapidly assemble a supercritical mass of fissile uranium or plutonium. A supercritical mass is one in which the percentage of fission-produced neutrons captured by another fissile nucleus is large enough that each fission event, on average, causes more than one additional fission event. Once the critical mass is assembled, at maximum density, a burst of neutrons is supplied to start as many chain reactions as possible. Early weapons used a modulated neutron generator codenamed "Urchin" inside the pit containing polonium-210 and beryllium separated by a thin barrier. Implosion of the pit crushed the neutron generator, mixing the two metals, thereby allowing alpha particles from the polonium to interact with beryllium to produce free neutrons. In modern weapons, the neutron generator is a high-voltage vacuum tube containing a particle accelerator which bombards a deuterium/tritium-metal hydride target with deuterium and tritium ions. The resulting small-scale fusion produces neutrons at a protected location outside the physics package, from which they penetrate the pit. This method allows better control of the timing of chain reaction initiation.
6 Oxygen atoms
In the molecule 2(NO₃):
An atom is the smallest indivisible particle of any substance. They chemically combine to give compounds and molecules. Some of them are able to exist on their own.
An element is a substance that has a unique atom.
NO₃ has two elements: N and O
Number of atoms:
N = 1
O = 3
but we have two moles of NO₃
O = 3 x 2 = 6
N = 1 x 2 = 2
learn more:
Number of atoms
Ether and acetone are the liquids with the lowest viscosities at room temperature.
02 is a product
it doesnt take part in chemical reaction so its not reactant.02 doesnt alter rate of chemical reaction so it cannot be catalyst. it is gas it is not solid so it is a product.