Science is a continuous profession of study because new ideas are produced based on new evidence. Also, there are different topics of science such as climate change or new cures to different diseases.
C6H5 is the molecular formula for Phenyl.
A catalyst will ALWAYS increase the reaction rate so C
Metal atoms have outer electrons which are not tied to any one atom. These electrons can move freely within the structure of a metal when an electric current is applied. There are no such free electrons in covalent or ionic solids, so electrons can't flow through them - they are non-conductors.
In a shorter term - no
In an alkene, cis and trans isomers are possible because the double band is rigid, cannot rotate, has groups attached to the carbons of the double bond that are fixed relative to each other, and only occurs with double bonds-possibility that molecule will have different geometries; two different molecules with slightly different properties.
-Trans-2 ends of chain across the double bond.
While naming Cis-Trans isomers the prefix cis or trans are placed in front of the alkene name when there are cis-trans isomers.