The Second Law of Thermodynamics poses an insurmountable problem for ... More time will make things worse for the Darwinist, not better. ... error fail-safe and proof-reading devices utilized for quality control, assembly ... No one really supports the idea that the sun + non life = life
the nucleus of an atom is held together by the strong force, while the electrons are held in the atom by the electric force.
- <u><em>Ratio of the mass carbon that combines with 1.00 g of oxygen in compound 2 to the mass of carbon that combines with 1.00 g of oxygen in compound 1 = 2</em></u>
First, detemine the mass of oxygen in the two samples by difference:
- mass of oxygen = mass of sample - mass of carbon
Item Compound 1 Compound 2
Sample 80.0 g 80.0 g
Carbon 21.8 g 34.3 g
Oxygen: 80.0 g - 21.8g = 58.2 g 80.0 g - 34.3 g = 45.7 g
Second, determine the ratios of the masses of carbon that combine with 1.00 g of oxygen:
- For each sample, divide the mass of carbon by the mass of oxygen determined above:
Sample Mass of carbon that combines with 1.00 g of oxygen
Compound 1 21.8 g / 58.2 g = 0.375
Compound 2 34.3 g / 45.7 g = 0.751
Third, determine the ratio of the masses of carbon between the two compounds.
- Divide the greater number by the smaller number:
- Ratio = 0.751 / 0.375 = 2.00 which in whole numbers is 2
From the knowledge of law of multiple proportions,
mass ratio of S to O in SO:
mass of S : mass of O
= 32 : 16
= 32/16
= 2/1
mass ratio of S to O in SO2:
= mass of S : 2 × mass of O
= 32 : 2 × 16
= 32/32
= 1/1
ratio of mass ratio of S to O in SO to mass ratio of S to O in SO2:
= 2/1 ÷ 1/1
= 2
Thus, the S to O mass ratio in SO is twice the S to O mass ratio in SO2.
Exam 3 Material
Homework Page Without Visible Answers
This page has all of the required homework for the material covered in the third exam of the first semester of General Chemistry. The textbook associated with this homework is CHEMISTRY The Central Science by Brown, LeMay, The last edition I required students to buy was the 12th edition (CHEMISTRY The Central Science, 12th ed. by Brown, LeMay, Bursten, Murphy and Woodward), but any edition of this text will do for this course.
Note: You are expected to go to the end of chapter problems in your textbook, find similar questions, and work out those problems as well. This is just the required list of problems for quiz purposes. You should also study the Exercises within the chapters. The exercises are worked out examples of the questions at the back of the chapter. The study guide also has worked out examples.
These are bare-bones questions. The textbook questions will have additional information that may be useful and that connects the problems to real life applications, many of them in biology.