There are approximately 5.55 moles
Normally, fusion involves two heavy hydrogen nuclides but since we have 4 light hydrogen nuclides, two of which underwent positron emission, thus changing two protons into neutrons plus 2 positrons and 2 neutrinos. The resulting nucleus from this fusion reaction is an He-4 nucleus.
During charging by conduction, both objects acquire the same type of charge. If a negative object is used to charge a neutral object, then both objects become charged negatively. In order for the neutral sphere to become negative, it must gain electrons from the negatively charged rod. 3.
In reaction 1 of the Krebs cycle, acetyl‑CoA formed in the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction condenses with the four‑carbon compound to form <em>citrate </em>with the elimination of coenzyme A. Since the product has three carboxyl groups, this pathway is referred to as the cycle. In reaction 2 of the Krebs cycle, this product then undergoes to form<em> isocitrate. </em>The enzyme is called aconitase because the compound cis‑aconitate is the <em>intermediate product</em> of the reaction. Reaction 3 eliminates CO2 to form the five‑carbon dicarboxylic acid <em>α-cetoglutarate. </em>Oxidation also occurs, with electrons transferred from the substrate to <em>COO-</em> . Consequently, this reaction is an oxidative decarboxylation.
In the image, you can see the reaction 2 in Krebs cycle is a two steps reaction with an intermediate cis-aconitase and a product called isocitrate.