1) Answer is: a.increasing alternative energy sources.
For example, using more biofuels derived directly from plants or solar energy.
Biofuel is renewable energy source, but not green energy source. Green energy does not harm ecosystems, contribute to acid rain, or worsen global warming. Biofuels produce greenhouse gases (carbone dioxide, methane).
Solar radiation is the source of electric energy.
2) Answer is:
a) Separation.
Crude oil is mixture (solution) consist of several different hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes...).
This hydroalkanes can be separated from mixture (crude oil) using distilation (usually fractional distillation), because they have different boiling points.
b) Conversion.
Hydrocarbons with bigger molecular mass are split into lighter ones.
c) Treatment.
For example gasoline, diesel fuel and heating oil are made.