Potassium hypochlorite when dissolved in water would dissociate into ions namely the potassium ions and the hypochlorite ions. Furthermore, hypochlorite ions would interact with water molecules and would decompose further. The dissociation reactions are as follows:
KClO <=> K+ + ClO-
ClO- + H2O <=> HOCl + OH-
Adding the two reactions, would give
KClO + ClO- + H2O = K+ + HOCl + OH- + ClO-
The two ClO- ions in both sides would cancel giving us the net ionic equation:
KClO + H2O = K+ + HOCl + OH-
Oxygen,hydrogen, and carbon
Chlorine would become a liquid. Its boiling point is around -34 Celsius so at any temperature below that it would be liquid.
The interaction between the two atoms of H in H2 with the lower energy corresponds to a covalent bond between hydrogen's.
When the two atoms of H form a bond, they are overlapping the individual orbitals to form a new one. Every hydrogen has 1 electron which sits in a 1s orbital and then form one molecular orbital. The energy of H2 is lower than individual hydrogens because the electrostatic interaction between them.