1. Before: carbon dioxide After: Oxygen
2. Oxygen
3. Chloroplast
Because the biodiversity decreases.
An ecosystem is richer when it has a higher biodiversity, remember that each living thing has an specific role in the food web. When in an ecosystem this web is bigger, increases the probability of sustain a living thing. For example, in the sea, if there is a fish, this is going to be more probabilities of survive if this fish can eat different plants or other fish. But if in the ecosystem there are not a variety of them, it probability to survive is less if one of it food desapear.
Answer: 1, 2, 4 are accurate.
1. Joe is on a hill (on a trail) above the ocean. The beach and ocean are at similar altitudes. Therefore Joe is at a higher altitude than if he was at the beach.
2. Since Joe is on a hill, he has a higher altitude than at sea level. Air at a higher altitude has lower density because there is less air "ontop" of itself than at lower altitudes. As well, his hill is above the ocean, which means there is a lot of water, making the air more humid than where he is. Humidity also makes air denser.
4.The air pressure will decrease if Joe goes up to higher altitudes because there will be less air on top of itself.