OPTION (A) : Testing a rock sample for gold content
For testing a rock sample of gold content you will need a Chemist. To test the material, the sample is rubbed on black stone which will leave a mark on the stone. This mark is tested by applying aqua fortis i.e nitric acid on the mark. If the mark gets dissolve then the material is not gold. If the mark sustain the it is further tested by applying aqua regia i.e nitric acid and hydrochloric acid which will prove the sample is of gold if it gets dissolve on using hydrochloric acid. The purity of the sample can be checked by differing the concentration of the aqua regia and comparing it with the gold material of the known purity.
Depends, but in most cases, 2.
It's best to use as many digits as possible to keep it accurate.
This varies between teachers, as most schools go with 2 decimal places.
This is something that depends in your situation.
You technically want as many decimals as possible to keep it as accurate, but most people stick with 2.
I personally do 3, and commonly do 5 sometimes.
Energy is moved from areas of surplus to those of deficit, with warm currents transporting warm water polewards and cold currents taking colder water to lower latitudes. It holds onto this heat for longer than the land does and the ocean currents move this heat around, from the tropics to higher latitudes.