3. A catalyst can convert an endothermic reaction into an exothermic reaction.
<em>What is NOT true for a catalyst? </em>
<em>1. A catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction by decreasing activation energy.</em> TRUE. A positive catalyst increases the reaction rate by decreasing the activation energy.
<em>2. A catalyst is not consumed in chemical reactions.</em> TRUE. A catalyst is recovered unaltered at the end of the reaction.
<em>3. A catalyst can convert an endothermic reaction into an exothermic reaction.</em> FALSE. A catalyst cannot modify the enthalpy of a reaction.
<em>4. A catalyst may be used in the solid, liquid or gaseous phase.</em> TRUE. If the catalyst is in the same phase as the reaction, the catalysis is homogeneous. Else, the catalysis is heterogeneous.