Skepticism defined as the word which is used in reference to a person or the word which defines a person's questioning attitude or doubt towards putative knowledge or belief.
Skepticism occurs in the context of philosophy.
But it can be applied to any pseudoscience, politics, religion.
The person when questions beliefs based on empirical evidence or scientific understanding is called scientific or empirical skeptic.
The took the heavy guns from a captured fort and hauled them back to Boston. They took position on the surrounding hills. With there guns and strategic position they would be able to win. The British general was left with one option really. withdraw... <span />
Can't have a state fighting someone in it's own court.
It's a massive conflict of interest. Everyone in that courtroom is being paid by said state. believe the FF did this to maintain objectivity.
I think they can see the movement on tectonic plates and help foresee earthquakes