My educated guess should be the 3rd one
Physical and Chemical Properties of Milk Milk is a white or yellow-white, opaque liquid. The color is influenced by scattering and absorp... Specific gravity of milk. Density is the weight of a substance per unit of volume, while specific gravity is the ratio between the density of the substance and that o...
HCL you can do it yourself .try again
I was traveling on a train where I fell asleep. someone stole my luggage in which I had money and other essentials. when the ticket checker arrived a lady paid my fine. she helped me a lot. when I told her about being robbed she helped me and took me to the police station and I found my bag. I insisted she take the money she paid for my fine but she said that in return you too help someone."I have never found such a kind person ever since.".....
Explanation: I think this is what you are looking for. Hope this helps.