Gravitational acceleration, g = GM/r^2. Additionally, for a satellite in a circular orbit, g = v^2/r
Where, G = Gravitational constant, M = Mass of earth, r = distance from the center of the earth to the satellite, v = linear speed of the satellite.
Equating the two expressions;
v^2/r = GM/r^2
v = Sqrt (GM/r);
But GM = Constant = 398600.5 km^3/sec^2
r = Altitude+Radius of the earth = 159+6371 = 6530 km
v = Sqrt (398600.5/6530) = 7.81 km/sec = 781 m/s
V = IR
I = current
R = resistance
Voltage = 100 * (3.44x 10^-4) = do the calculation
Hope this helps
the meaning of conduction is the process by which heat or electricity is directly transmitted through a substance when there is a difference of temperature or of electrical potential between adjoining regions, without movement of the material.
for v vs t graph for t=9 to 11,v=15kmph
similarly v2=0,v3=60kmph&v4= -40kmph
It's a vector magnitude that measures the space traveled by a particle between an initial and a final position. The total displacement can be obtained by adding the vectors of each individual displacement. In the case of two displacements:
Given a vector as its polar coordinates (r,\theta), the corresponding rectangular coordinates are computed with
And the vector is expressed as
The monkey first makes a displacement given by (0.198 km,0°). The angle is 0 because it goes to the East, the zero-reference for angles. Thus the first displacement is
The second move is (145 m , -15.8°). The angle is negative because it points South of East. The second displacement is
The total displacement is
In (magnitude,angle) form: