The main purpose for converting numbers into scientific notation is to make calculations with surpisingly large or small numbers less complicated. Since zeros are not used to place the decimal point, all of the digits in a number in scientific notation are meaningful and easier to read. Hope this helps!
The new pressure is 53.3 kPa
This problem can be solved by this law. when the volume remains constant, pressure changes directly proportional as the Aboslute T° is modified.
T° increase → Pressure increase
T° decrease → Pressure decrease
In this case, temperature was really decreased. So the pressure must be lower.
P₁ / T₁ = P₂ / T₂
80 kPa / 300K = P₂/200K
(80 kPa / 300K) . 200 K = P₂ → 53.3 kPa
All animals can be dangerous and they would fight for their family. (This might be wrong)