In this case, we can see that the number 34,560 has five significant figures, it means that if we want to write it with three, we must take the 3, 4 and 5 only. Nevertheless, since the 6 after the five is greater than 5, we can round such five to 6, so we obtain:
However, the decimal places cannot get lost, therefore, we move the given thousand to the three, so the number turns out:
Best regards.
D)plastic copper
the correct answer is.. ill tell you when i search it up gimme 2 seconds
Francium is hypothesized to be the most reactive metal, but so little of it exists or can be synthesized, and the longest half-life of its most abundant isotope is 22.00 minutes, so that its reactivity cannot be determined experimentally.
Francium is an alkali metal in group 1/IA. All alkali metals have one valence electron. As you go down the group, the number of electron energy levels increases – lithium has two, sodium has three, etc..., as indicated by the period number. The result is that the outermost electron gets further from the nucleus. The attraction from the positive nucleus to the negative electron is less. This makes it easier to remove the electron and makes the atom more reactive.
Experimentally speaking, cesium (caesium) is the most reactive metal.
it is c.-1 because oxidation number of cl is-1