Polarity is classified by the difference in two or more atoms that is the electronegativity value (EN)
En for Fluorine =4.0, Bromine=2.96 Chlorine =3.16 Hydrogen=2.1
for the molecules
from the EN value above HF has the mast highest value of EN hence it is the most polar.
The value of Q must be less than that of K.
The difference of K and Q can be understood with the help of an example as follows
A ⇄ B
In this reaction A is converted into B but after some A is converted , forward reaction stops At this point , let equilibrium concentration of B be [B] and let equilibrium concentration of A be [A]
In this case ratio of [B] and [A] that is
K = [B] / [A] which is called equilibrium constant.
But if we measure the concentration of A and B ,before equilibrium is reached , then the ratio of the concentration of A and B will be called Q. As reaction continues concentration of A increases and concentration of B decreases. Hence Q tends to be equal to K.
Q = [B] / [A] . It is clear that Q < K before equilibrium.
If Q < K , reaction will proceed towards equilibrium or forward reaction will
proceed .
May I assume "ethanol acid is just ethanol (it has one slightly acidic H atom). If so, the molar mass is 46.02 g/mole.
We have 30 cm^3 [30 ml] of 1.0 M (1 mole/liter) [1 dm³ = 1 liter].
That is 1 mole/liter. 30 ml would contain (0.030 liter)*(1 mole/1 liter) = 0.03 moles.