C: 4
H: 1
Mg: 2
O : 6
You can quickly find out the number of valence electrons by looking at where the element is on the periodic table and referring to the table that is attached.
According to libretexts the answer would be B. decreases.
If the hydrogen concentration increases, the pH decreases, causing the solution to become more acidic. This happens when an acid is introduced. ... If the hydrogen concentration decreases, the pH increases, resulting in a solution that is less acidic and more basic
3 AU
The distance from the Earth to the Sun is known as 1 AU, or 1 Astronomical Unit. If an asteroid is three times this distance, it is 3 AU away.
Answer: Option (c) is the correct answer.
Plants used to prepare food in the presence of sunlight. Therefore, plants uses solar energy to make food.
Due to solar energy various chemical reactions take place in the food.
Thus, we can conclude that chemical energy is stored in our food and this chemical energy start out as light energy from the sun.