1) synthesis MgI2
2) double replacement CuS + (HCl)2
3) double replacement, not sure ab the formula sorry
Ummmm this one is hard but i guess it would be t?????
exothermic reactions involve release of heat whereas endothermic reaction involve absorption of heat.
When you move the burette slider to the top of a flask and add about 25 mL of NaOH to the flask, you will cause a concentration of OH- molecules. This will make the solution become a basic solution and make the litmus paper blue.
After reading your question, we can see that you are carrying out a test to discover the nature of the pH of a solution. This type of test uses litmus paper, which is an indicator of the presence of acids and bases, being able to determine the pH of a solution. This paper is soaked in organic ink and when placed in an acidic solution, it is red in color. However, when placed in a basic solution it has a blue color.
An acidic solution is one that has a high concentration of H+ atoms and has the ability to donate electrons. The basic solution, on the other hand, has a high concentration of OH- and has the capacity to receive electrons.
When you move the burette slider to the top of a flask and add about 25 mL of NaOH to the flask, you will cause a concentration of OH- molecules. This will make the solution become a basic solution and make the litmus paper blue, that is, the solution has the basic pH.
Answer: When pressure cooker is used steam is trapped in the pot and it increases the pressure above the water. this causes the water to boil at a temperature more than 100 C. when you pull back on the plunger, the pressure in the syringe is reduced and the liquid boils at a lower temperature