An occluded front forms when a warm air mass is caught between two cooler air masses. The warm air mass is cut ofl or occluded' from the ground. The occluded warm front may cause clouds and precipitation. A swirling center of low air pressure is called a cyclone.
They often create data tables, charts, or graphs to easily communicate results.
of carbon dioxide gas.
Average distance covered by Americans in a day= 
1 day = 24 × 60 min = 1,440 min
Average distance covered by Americans in a minute= 
Average mileage of the car = 20 miles/gal = 32.18 km/gal
1 mile = 1.609 km
20 miles = 20 × 1.609 km = 32.18 km
Volume of gasoline used in minute = 

(1 L = 1000 mL)

Mass of 86,320.00 gallons of gasoline = m
Density of the gasoline = d = 

1 kilogram of gasoline gives 3 kg of carbon dioxde gas .
Then 303,882.84649 kg of gasoline will give :
of carbon dioxide gas.
Because they consume prey from all trophic levels beneath them.
410 nm
The highest frequency is associated with the shortest wavelength. Of those listed, 410 nm is the shortest.