The IUPAC name of the compound has already been given which is 2,2-dimethyl-4-ethylheptane.
The IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) is an authority in chemistry that provides a guideline and standardized methods in the naming of compounds formed from the periodic table.
In order the give an IUPAC name to a compound, certain steps needs to be followed, these includes:
--> Identify the functional group in the compound as this will form the suffix. For example if the functional group is an alkane the suffix will be -ane.
--> Identify the longest carbon chain (it may not be a straight chain) that contains the functional group. This forms the prefix. Example: if the longest carbon chain is 7 carbon atoms then the prefix will be hept-
--> All the carbons of the longest chain should be numbered
--> Identify branched groups on the chain and name them according to the number of carbon atoms. They usually end with -yl.
--> Finally, combine the elements of the name is a single word.
The structural formula of the IUPAC compound can be found in the attached file for a better understanding. The branched groups are circled.
calcium : for strong bones
Iron : maintaining haemoglobin for metabolism
sodium chloride : to maintain blood pressure and other life processes
Adenosine Triphosphate: for metabolism, to maintain rate of inhalation and exhalation of oxygen and to supply energy
I) gasoline : used as fuel
ii) cement : used in construction
what is a non-polar molecule? Atoms are made of small particles. When atoms bond together to form molecules. They share or give electrons. If the electrons are shared equally by the atoms, then there is no resulting charge making the molecule nonpolar. Polar molecules are the complete opposite.
B) As water temp increases solubility increases