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The answer is A. Volcanoes and earthquakes often occur near place boundaries. Volcanoes are exit points for heat from the Earth's core. And Earthquakes are caused by the tectonic places colliding along another one. For example one tectonic plate would be slowly moving south, and another next to it could collide with the South-going plate while going North, and that is what causes Earthquakes.
A liquid changing to a gas is considered a physical change because it involves a change in one or more physical properties, but no change in the fundamental components that make up the substance.
A zigzag is a line that has a series of angles in it like a continuous series of 'W's. They staggered in a zigzag across the tarmac. ... a zigzag pattern.
A calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius. The complete combustion of a large kitchen match, for example, gives you about one kilocalorie of heat