These are the four main types of services in badminton and most can be executed with either your forehand or backhand.
Low serve. ...
High serve. ...
Flick serve. ...
Drive Serve. ...
Keep your feet still. ...
Disguise your shots. ...
Observe your opponents position. ...
Mix up your serves.
My greatest fear would have to be getting stuck in an elevator.
Myelinated Axons; leak channels are insulated by myelin leading to less loss of current flow and better conduction velocity. Ion channels omly located at nodes of ranvier; thus signal has sultatory conduction along myelin sheaths and jumps and move much quicker
Demyelinating diseases; along locations where myelin sheaths once was current links occur and conduction slows, the signal cannot make it very far because it looses energy as it travels through the axon
Unmyelinated axon; Ion channels are sequentially placed all along axons; thus it takes longer to send signal down axon. the energy isn't leaked out, it still contains the same signal but it is simply slower. distance between voltage gated channels needs to be small enough so local current flow can depolarize the membrane.
N/B; Harder to generate action potential in demyelinating disease
axon diameter( bigger diameter= less resistance= faster current).
requesting a CISM team to provide on-scene peer support.