Scientific Method.
A scientific method is basically a method or a process when you conduct an experiment. Normally, the process goes like this:
1. You make like a question or something that you want to investigate, it's like the aim of the experiment.
2. You make an experiment and a hypothesis. A hypothesis is basically a guess on how the results of the experiment would turn out. You don't have to be correct for the hypothesis since there is no right or wrong answer.
3. Conduct the experiment. I don't think this needs a detailed explanation since experiments vary from one another.
4. Collect results. The data you collect come in different ways based on your experiment, but it is crucial you get data so that you can answer your question in 1.
5. Make inferences. You can't directly get a conclusion or answer from the results, so inferences are needed.
6. Craft a conclusion or answer. This is the final step when conducting an experiment and the part where you have the answer you needed when you conducted the experiment :)
For this we have to keep in mind that we have a <u>specific relationship between the nitrogen bases</u>:
-) <u>When we have a T (thymine) we will have a bond with A (adenine) and viceversa</u>.
-) <u>When we have C (Cytosine) we will have a bond with G (Guanine) and viceversa</u>.
Therefore if we have: TACCGGAT. We have to put the corresponding nitrogen base, so:
I hope it helps!
The answer is 100%
let me know if you want an explanation
Option C = electron
Electrons are responsible for the production of colored light.
The electron is subatomic particle that revolve around outside the nucleus and has negligible mass. It has a negative charge.
Symbol= e-
Mass= 9.10938356×10⁻³¹ Kg
It was discovered by j. j. Thomson in 1897 during the study of cathode ray properties.
How electrons produce the colored light:
When the energy is provided to the atom the electrons by absorbing the energy jump to the higher energy levels. This process is called excitation. The amount of energy absorbed by the electron is exactly equal to the energy difference of orbits.
When the excited electron fall back to the lower energy levels the energy is released in the form of radiations. this energy is exactly equal to the energy difference between the orbits. The characteristics bright colors are due to the these emitted radiations. These emitted radiations can be seen if they are fall in the visible region of spectrum.
Other process may involve,
In fluorescence the energy is absorbed by the electron having shorter wavelength and high energy usually of U.V region. The process of absorbing the light occur in a very short period of time i.e. 10 ∧-15 sec. During the fluorescence the spin of electron not changed.
The electron is then de-excited by emitting the light in visible and IR region. This process of de-excitation occur in a time period of 10∧-9 sec.
In phosphorescence the electron also goes to the excitation to the higher level by absorbing the U.V radiations. In case of Phosphorescence the transition back to the lower energy level occur very slowly and the spin pf electron also change.