Your answer is B.
It is <u><em>not</em></u> A because this doesn't really make sense. It's not the best answer.
It <u><em>is</em></u> B because, in sentences, the words around it will likely give the information you need to infer what the word means.
(For example, if I were to say "<em>She was </em><u><em>continuously</em></u><em> singing, for yesterday she sang for 4 straight hours, and it was extremely annoying</em>", pretend you do not know what "continuously" means. By using the words around it, such as "4 straight hours" you can predict that it means "never stopping".)
It is <u><em>not</em></u> C because not every single sentence contains a synonym or antonym.
(See the sentence above. The antonym of "continuously" would be 'never' or 'sometimes' or possibly 'discontinous'. There isn't always an antonym or synonym there, is there?)
It is <u><em>not</em></u> D because not every single word is defined in a passage.
(When you open an average book, is there just an entire page(s) dedicated to every single definition of a word? Most often, no, there is not.)
it impacted my sleep and grades
el alcoholismo} provoca situaciones de disfunción familiar, violencia doméstica y deterioro de las relaciones entre los convivientes
Antecedentes familiares de abuso del alcohol u otros problemas de abuso de sustancias.
Exposición al alcohol a una edad temprana.
Antecedentes familiares de enfermedades mentales.
Alta presión arterial, enfermedad cardiaca, accidentes cerebrovasculare
Evite a las personas con las que usted normalmente bebería o los lugares donde tomaría.
Planear actividades que disfrute y que no impliquen beber.
Mantener el alcohol fuera del hogar.
Interactionist perspective
Interactionism perspective: In sociology, the term interactionism perspective is a theoretical perspective that aims at day-to-day interaction among different people forms a basis of societal development. This perspective states that human beings are social actors instead of focusing on society's role. It was developed by George Herbert Mead.
Interactionist perspective on language acquisition states that language acquisition involves social as well as biological components. A child generally learns language from his or her elders and grasps grammatical words in the absence of formal education.
people have always been farming, the great depression did not cause them to farm.