Actually when you look that up.... UH that is hair loss or he could be considered MR. CLEAN
You get a tub of warm water and tip the warm water into the cold water
El Big Bang fue el momento, hace 13.800 millones de años, cuando el universo comenzó como una pequeña y densa bola de fuego que explotó. La mayoría de los astrónomos utilizan la teoría del Big Bang para explicar cómo comenzó el universo.
Two Half-lives
Let number of Parent nuclei Initially present be X,
Then, finally Parent nuclei Will remain with daughter nuclei.
In one half- life , parent nuclei becomes half of initial.
So, starting with X parent nuclei,
After one half-life, it will degrade to .
After another half life , Parent nuclei will become half of
Which is equal to .
So, Parent nuclei have to go through Two half-lives.