the pendulum loses momentum and stops because of gravity and wind resistance. it does not violate the law of conservation of energy because it is not gaining any more momentum than what it had started with
(a) This is a freefall problem in disguise - when the ball returns to its original position, it will be going at the same speed but in the opposite direction. So the ball's final velocity is the negative of its initial velocity.
Recall that

We have
, so that

(b) The speed of the ball at the start and at the end of the roll are the same 8 m/s, so the average speed is also 8 m/s.
(c) The ball's average velocity is 0. Average velocity is given by
, and we know that
(d) The position of the ball
at time
is given by

Take the starting position to be the origin,
. Then after 6 seconds,

so the ball is 42 m away from where it started.
We're not asked to say in which direction it's moving at this point, but just out of curiosity we can determine that too:

Since the velocity is positive, the ball is still moving up the incline.
Uranus and Neptun are outer planets od the Solar system, since they are located after the asteroid belt. All of these outer planets are much larger then the inner ones so they are called the "ice giants". The other reason for this name is that they are very far from the Sun, so their temperature is low. Another feature they have in common is their atmosphere which is composed of gases, including methane, which is responsible for their blue color, since methane absorbs red light. However Neptune is known for very fast winds and storms in its atmosphere which is responsible for its high activity and changes.
So, the blanks should be filled with:
outer planets
This is the same question that I just answered.
Have present the definition of acceleration:
a = Δv / Δt, this is change in velocity per unit of time.
a and v are in bold to mean that they are vectors.
1) a body traveling in a straight line and increasing in speed: CORRECT:
Acceleration is the change in velocity, either magnitude or direction or both. So, a body increasing in speed is accelerated.
2) a body traveling in a straight line and decreasing in speed: CORRECT
A decrease in speed is a change in velocity, so it means acceleration.
3) a body traveling in a straight line at constant speed: FALSE.
That body is not changing either direction or speed so its motion is not accelerated but uniform.
4) a body standing still : FALSE.
That body is not changind either direction or speed.
5) a body traveling at a constant speed and changing direction: CORRECT.
The change in direction means that the body is accelerated. The acceleration due to change in direction is named centripetal acceleration.
An increase in average speed of 1 km/h typi- cally results in a 3% higher risk of a crash involving injury, with a 4–5% increase for crashes that result in fatalities. — Speed also contributes to the severity of the impact when a collision does occur. Hope this helps!