The braking system of a vehicle uses hydraulic power generated by a master cylinder to activate the four-wheel brake assemblies. The hydraulic power is transmitted throughout the brake system via brake fluid. Brake fluid is made from a silicone based or glycol based product. .The three classes of brake fluid commonly used in modern automobiles are as follows:
DOT 3, DOT 4, and DOT 5. DOT stands for
Department of Transportation specification grades; the increasing numbers corresponds to increasing boiling point. DOT 3 and DOT 4 are glycol based, and DOT 3 most commonly used in disc brake systems. The glycol base is hygroscopic means it attract water from the environment.
brake fluid should be disposed properly. it should not be exposed to fire as this mit pose a ue fire hazard. t shouldn't be thrown into septic tanks.
The backrest of the seat should be tilted back ever so slightly, and when turning the steering wheel your shoulders should remain in contact with the seat – rather than hunched forward.
Explanation: ontop of a tall building, you drop a small peace of metal covered in zinc. it is possible to be very dangerus because of gravity. some one walking on the side walk who gets hit in the head can get a concusion maybe even a brain injury.