Acceleration stress, physiological changes that occur in the human body in motion as a result of rapid increase of speed. ... A force of 3 g, for example, is equivalent to an acceleration three times that of a body falling near Earth.
As an egg falls towards the floor, it begins to travel faster and faster. When it slams into the floor, the egg is stopped almost immediately. This force of the floor against the eggshell is too large, so it breaks.
Force applied causes
deformation in the object. It changes the relative positions of
constituent particles in the crystal lattice.
As soon as that happens, the interatomic or intermolecular forces come
into play and they, tend to restore the solid back to it's original
This restoring force per unit area is called Stress . When external forces are removed, the internal forces tend to restore the solid back.
This property is called Elasticity .
However, no material is perfectly elastic and what happens is that, the body is not able to restore itself completely.
Apply Newton's second law in the moving direction.

Friction force applies in the opposite direction of motion; as a restriction.