0.004382166 Make sure to round to the right amount of Sig Figs
Additive color mixing involves multiple sources of light with different colors in each source. Subtractive color mixing involves a single source of light with different colors absorbing various wavelengths of the color spectrum. Secondary colors of one system serve as the primary colors for the other.
A feature that an iron metal has is a sea of electrons
Part A:
"360 grams of NaCl can be dissolved in 1 L water. So, 2000 grams sugar can be dissolved in 1 L water then we can say that the solubility of salt is lesser in water as to sugar and both heightened by increasing the temperature. If we make a batch of 800 L we can add sugar, 1600 kg at 25 0c. We can add salt is 288 kg at 25 0c and the ingredient tomato is having low solubility."
Read more at Answer.Ya.Guru – https://answer.ya.guru/questions/8061-describe-the-sequence-of-adding-ingredients-to-make-the-recipe.html
Part B:
'Manufacturers can generate new value minimize cost and increase operational stability by focusing on 4 broad areas; Management, Supply Circle, Product Design, and Value Recovery.'
Read more at Answer.Ya.Guru – https://answer.ya.guru/questions/2807911-what-changes-could-be-made-to-optimize-the-manufacturing-process.html