Не могу понять почему у тебя в ее и я не знаю почему но мне кажется что я в этом смысле жизни и
If the gravitational force were<span> decreased by half, there would be lack of gravity on earth. Hence, it would basically affect the velocity, speed, and the distance travelled in any direction by basketball players and the ball. The basketball would bounce higher and come down in a slower speed. Whereas for the players, they would be able to leap higher from the floor.</span><span> </span>
The ideal gas law.
n=number of moles
R=Gas costant
Answer: a. Number of moles.
The sphere’s Electric potential energy is 1.6*
q=6. 5 µc, V=240 v,
We know that sphere’s Electric potential energy(E) = qV=6.5*
<h3>Electric potential energy</h3>
The configuration of a certain set of point charges within a given system is connected with the potential energy (measured in joules) known as electric potential energy, which is a product of conservative Coulomb forces. Two crucial factors—its inherent electric charge and its position in relation to other electrically charged objects—can determine whether an object has electric potential energy.
In systems with time-varying electric fields, the potential energy is referred to as "electric potential energy," but in systems with time-invariant electric fields, the potential energy is referred to as "electrostatic potential energy."
A tiny sphere carrying a charge of 6. 5 µc sits in an electric field, at a point where the electric potential is 240 v. what is the sphere’s potential energy?
Learn more about Electric potential energy here: