Answer: (1) Inhales (breathes in) Oxygen - good for the body - gives it to the Circulatory System to be transported throughout the body through the blood. (1) Digestive System gets nutrients (good) from food and hands it over to the blood and Circulatory System then carries those nutrients where they need to go.

50/50 ethylene glycol (EG):water
V = 4.70 gal
ρ(EG) = 1.11 g/mL
ρ(water) = 0.988 g/mL
The formula for the boiling point elevation ΔTb is

i is the van’t Hoff factor — the number of moles of particles you get from 1 mol of solute. For EG, i = 1.
1. Moles of EG

2. Kilograms of water

3. Molal concentration of EG

4. Increase in boiling point

5. Boiling point
Because flammable objects have certain substances, you know that it is a chemical property. For example, cloth is flammable and has a certain substance that MAKES it flammable. This results in a chemical property.