r = 3.61x
The rate of disappearance (r) is given by the multiplication of the concentrations of the reagents, each one raised of the coefficient of the reaction.
r = k.![[S2O2^{-8} ]^{x} x [I^{-} ]^{y}](
K is the constant of the reaction, and doesn't depends on the concentrations. First, let's find the coefficients x and y. Let's use the first and the second experiments, and lets divide 1º by 2º :

x = 1
Now, to find the coefficient y let's do the same for the experiments 1 and 3:

y = 1
Now, we need to calculate the constant k in whatever experiment. Using the first :

k = 4.01x10^{-3} M^{-1}s^{-1}[/tex]
Using the data given,
r = 
r = 3.61x
Scientists can use the color of minerals to tell them apart.
The atoms and ions that have the similar electron configuration are named isoelectronic. The common ions of representative elements are isoelectronic with a noble gas. When forming ions, transition metals be unable to find their valence s-sublevel electrons before they lose their d-sub level electrons.
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