In a published epidemiologic study investigating infertility related to sexually transmitted diseases (STD), the authors state t
hat 5% of identified cases refused enrollment, 10% of identified cases were lost to follow-up prior to data collection, and 10% of interviewed cases had missing data for one or more key variables describing exposure. Based on this information, which of the following statements is most likely to be true?
That a STD is not contagious but can be given by blood bond in other words like if you kiss someone and they have blood on there lip or a sore you can get it like that or if you have finger to finger for example holding hands and they have a little wound there would be a 57% chance they would get the STD. Hopes this helps!
Answer: That a STD is not contagious but can be given by blood bond in other words like if you kiss someone and they have blood on there lip or a sore you can get it like that or if you have finger to finger for example holding hands and they have a little wound there would be a 57% chance they would get the STD. Hopes this helps!