Answer:An emission line spectrum consists of bright lines on a dark background, while an absorption line spectrum consists of dark lines on a rainbow background.
Air for a diver comes out of a high pressure tank at - Same- pressure compared to the water around the diver (metered by the regulator).
This means the lungs are inflated with - Highly pressurized- gas.
This does not adversely affect the diver when deep underwater, because the entire environment around the diver is at -Same - pressure.
If the diver suddenly surface, the air in the alveoli in the lungs will still be at - a higher - pressure compared to the air around the diver, which will be at - a lower - pressure.
The gas in the diver's lungs will - expand - and can damage the alveoli.
C.when the nucleus decays
In chemical reactions, the outermost electrons of atoms are re-arranged somehow without the involvement of the nuclei of the participating atoms of the elements.
Nuclear reactions causes changes within the atomic nucleus. For every atomic nucleus, a specific neutron/proton ratio ensures stability. When the stability ratio differs an atom becomes unstable and splits into one or more other nuclei with the emission of small particles of matter. This is what radioactivity entails.
So v=d/s so the answer is 6/3.2 so the answer is 1.87m/s
Gravity is one of the significant forces of the universe. It is the force that draws other objects closer to the center of another object. The bigger the object, the higher its force of gravity and nearby objects are accelerated towards the big mass.
It is this force of gravity that keeps the planets in the solar system orbiting around the sun. The suns gravitational pull is stronger than those of the planets hence pulls the planets on their orbits around the star. Gravity also played a part in the formation of the planets. Gravity caused the condensation of dust and rocks into a mass that continually attracted more matter as it gained mass (due to gaining more associated gravitational pull).