Hey There!</h2><h2>
Electroplating the plating one metal on to the another metal, It is mostly used for preventing corrosion by using copper or chromium or decorate the object by using gold or silver plating.
When electricity is passed the thin layer of metal is deposited on another metal and water molecule given out as a By-Product, Thus this process works on the principle of Hydrolysis.
A) Electrolysis
B) Chromium prevents corrosion and gives the fine shining touch to the objects.
C) The metal which is deposited to the object i.e. spoon will be connected to the positive electrode of a battery, Thus it is anode. The spoon at which electroplating is need to be done is connected to the negative electrode, thus the Spoon is cathode.
Best Regards,</h2><h2>
Iodine 131 and iodine 126 are the same in the sense that, they both have the same number of electrons and protons in their atoms, it is only the number of their neutrons that is different. Iodine 131 has 78 neutrons while iodine 126 has 73 neutrons.
(C) Acetylene (ethyne) can be converted to the acetylide anion by treating with a strong base such as CH₃Li.
Acetylene (C₂H₂) can be converted to the acetylide anion (C₂⁻²) when treated with a base because it will donate protons (2H⁺). So it will be a neutralization reaction. NaNH₂ and NaOH are strong bases because they are good electrons donators ( NaNH₂ has pair of electrons on N, and NaOH has the group OH⁻), but CH₃Li has no pair of electrons to donate, so it's not a strong base.